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An Ugly Jungle Fuck!

Jun 07, 2024

Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

James Parker, a successful and impeccably dressed executive, decided to take a much-needed vacation to a remote tropical island. Known for its stunning beaches and dense, mysterious forests, the island was the perfect escape from his hectic life in the city. Dressed in casual yet stylish attire appropriate for a tropical getaway, James felt a mix of excitement and curiosity as he ventured into the heart of the island's lush wilderness.

Chapter 2: A Serendipitous Meeting

One humid afternoon, while exploring a particularly dense part of the forest, James came across a small, crystal-clear stream. He decided to rest by the water, enjoying the tranquility and the vibrant sounds of nature around him. As he sat there, he noticed movement across the stream. Emerging gracefully from the foliage was a strikingly beautiful woman.

She moved with a natural ease and confidence, her long hair cascading over her shoulders, and her eyes reflecting the greenery around them. She was nude standing proudly and freely as natural as the tropical vegetation that engulfed them.

"Hello," James called out, standing up and taking a few steps towards the stream.

The woman looked up, her eyes meeting his. There was a moment of mutual curiosity before she smiled. "Hello," she replied. "I'm Lisbet."

Chapter 3: Connection in Conversation

James introduced himself, explaining that he was on vacation and had been exploring the island. Lisbet listened attentively, her expression one of interest and amusement.

"I'm something of a local here," Lisbet said with a twinkle in her eye. "I've spent years studying the flora and fauna of this forest. It's like a second home to me."

James was fascinated. He asked her questions about the island, the plants, and the animals, and Lisbet eagerly shared her knowledge. She spoke about the unique ecosystem, the medicinal properties of certain plants, and the behaviors of the island's wildlife. James found himself captivated not only by the information but also by the passion with which Lisbet spoke.

Her lips soft and tender, ripe for his cock. He wondered if Lisbet would enjoy cock riding. After a brief moment of locking eyes with the beautiful Lisbet he asked her about various cuisines that interest her. She replied "Well , I am a connoisseur of all sorts of delightful long as the meat is hardened like iron, thick, and stiff. . . ." she smiled warmly

His cock tingled hardening and longing to penetrate her soft sweet cunt. There was a brief silence before he began to unbuckle his pants and pull out his erect dick.

While they lounged on the patio loveseat she instantly noticed his hardened cock and grabbed it , cupping his testicles, she began to suck his cock, his erection grew stiffer, a shock shattered his spine into his pelvis. 

He rushed to penetrate her cunt, which she happily obliged. Like a long steamy piss, finally , his cock felt satisfied in her warm wet cunt.

Lisbet ask reader - Would you like to taste my warm wet cunt? 

Visit me in Secondlife
Secondlife IW Username- LisbetAnnaliseCrowley

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