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Breast Bare Dancing Stripper Diaries

Jun 09, 2024
Lisbet pulls the chain of her top from the back and lets the fabric fall off her breasts, giving them a pleasurable lobbing as she moves her gaze around the club, just enjoying the sight of large plump melons giggle in the cool drift. She strong smell of whiskey and perfume . 
She sways her hips seductively to the base of the music. Her large soft plum breast circling freely through the air , she places her hands on her knees as she arches her back to the beat....she feels so sexy in the club........
Wishing she had something .........or someone stiff and aggressive to ride on........Are you the one?
Visit me in Secondlife
Secondlife IW Username- LisbetAnnaliseCrowley
                                         (I dont own the rights to this music)

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