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Lisbet Inseminated by a Furry- Defiled Breeding

Jun 10, 2024

Once ostracized by his peers, a lonely furry named Alex found solace in an unexpected friendship with a beautiful woman named Lisbet. For the first time in what felt like ages, Alex felt seen and accepted. Lisbet, with her warm smile and kind heart, welcomed Alex into her life without hesitation, breaking down the barriers of loneliness and misunderstanding that had long confined him.

Grateful for this newfound connection, Alex cherished every moment spent with Lisbet. Her acceptance and kindness were like a balm to his soul, healing the wounds of rejection and filling his days with joy and companionship. Through their friendship, Alex discovered the true meaning of acceptance and the incredible power of a compassionate friend.

Overtime, Alex the Furry began to have a deeper longing to be around Lisbet; the smell of her perfume, her charming laugh, and strong accent. He longed for Lisbet in a way that was far more than friendship. 

One day, Alex had gotten the courage to ask her to come with him to the beach. He knew how much she loved the beach and vacationing in the tropics. Alex's eyes followed Lisbet as her large plump breast dangled freely in the wind. He began to harden and feel an intense desire to mount her. 

He begged her to allow him to, he had never actually felt a womans touch. He asked if he could just insert his tip. He was incredibly enormous and didnt want to scare her off. Reluctance waned after he agreed to help her cover a bill. After all he was quite a nice guy. When she agreed to let him insert his throbbing hardened tip. He could barely contain himself. The warmth and moistness of her pussy was inviting and shortly after inserting he began purshing deeper inside for more. 

She moaned deeply in shock as he spread her insides humping harder and deeper he began to sweat and pant. He made her pelvis into a seat and inserted himself as deep as possible planting his seed in the process. His cock exploded and busted semen deep. Lisbet was rattled , her breast bounced through his humping, she moaned deeply feeling him unload inside her. 

Furry cock felt so good inside of me, I hope to be bred again soon...Want to breed me?
Visit me in Secondlife
Secondlife IW Username- LisbetAnnaliseCrowley

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