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Dejah Thoris

Apr 11, 2023
From Edgar Rice Burroughs's A Princess of Mars

And the sight which met my eyes was that of a slender, girlish figure, similar in every detail to the earthly women of my past life... Her face was oval and beautiful in the extreme, her every feature was finely chiseled and exquisite, her eyes large and lustrous and her head surmounted by a mass of coal black, waving hair, caught loosely into a strange yet becoming coiffure. Her skin was of a light reddish copper color, against which the crimson glow of her cheeks and the ruby of her beautifully molded lips shone with a strangely enhancing effect. She was as destitute of clothes as the green Martians who accompanied her; indeed, save for her highly wrought ornaments she was entirely naked, nor could any apparel have enhanced the beauty of her perfect and symmetrical figure. 

There have been many, many versions of the "incomparable Dejah Thoris"; I went to the source and depicted her as originally described with a "slender, girlish figure" and "save for her highly wrought ornaments ... entirely naked". Thanks for looking!

EDIT: Am new to posting and didn't realize that the watermark was tiny and discrete (unlike the dA one) so I reposted the artwork with the watermark on it.
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