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I Put a Spell on You

Apr 13, 2023
From a narrative I've been working on; it started as set in the real world and was more like a romance drama-soap opera.

Eventually, as writers are wont to do (and as I kept telling my students when I was still teaching), I asked myself the two most
important words that any writer can utter:  "What If?"  I later found out that Stephen King does the same:  in an interview on one of those
late-night talk shows he said that was how he got the idea for The Outsider .  Hey, if it works for him...

Anyhoo, I asked myself "what if this story was an urban fantasy?"  It may not have been the smartest thing to do considering
I had been working on it for years and a number of pages were already done.

But still... it kept on nagging at me and to be honest setting it in that genre opened up the narrative in an enormous way and
brought some characters, who had previously been window dressing, to life in a way I never expected.

So yup, it was pretty much a page one rewrite  :P

Thanks for looking and reading!

Addendum:  When I got to this panel some assets that I had my eye on were suddenly pulled from the Daz store.  Luckily I was able to track down the vendor Five13.  And despite having done versions of this without his assets, they were the only ones that I was happy with and feel made it work.  You can find him online if you've a mind although he knows me by rl name  XD

One of the relatively few renders I've done in D|S 4.21, because of the volumetrics.  I still tend to do work in 4.16 as it's the last version where earlier ghost lights still work.. Having been trained as a lighting cameraman I need to nail down the lights and camera angle before anything else.
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