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First Meeting: When Lizbet met Aspen

Apr 22, 2023
Some of the panels were seen in an earlier post, and yes I know the one where Lizbet enters Aspen's flat is not here :P

While both characters appear in the Urban Fantasy narrative I'm working on, these are their 2019/G3F versions.  At that time TaB (Twig and Berries) was the  cutting edge of male genitalia.  Its creator, the legendary erogenesis, has gone back to being a full time 3DX artist.  

As happy as I was with the characters back then, I could only get them to look good under extremely specific lighting conditions. I eventually had to move away from the skins and TaB used here; the trade off being able to use them in a wide variety settings with any type of light.

Thanks for looking!
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