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Frame 56

Nov 19, 2022
It is awkward, dear reader, to distract you from a fascinating article, but notice that Juan put his hands on Annie's shoulders. He did this because the friction got harder, and Annie falls on the hood if she is not held back. All right, all right, back to the story of the island. The scientists were able to convey their concerns to the locals. They were savvy and reasonable and hired smart managers on a budget. A constitution was drafted for the island, authorities were formed, and the first ministries: science and economy. The island, in essence, became a thriving gated club with three population groups: 1/ locals born of locals; 2/ Wage earners: long-term residents of the island, managers, scientists, service personnel; 3/ "Tourists": permanent "club members" or those making a one-time exploratory visit to the island as recommended by doctors. A total of one thousand membership cards were issued. Each membership was strictly controlled and could in no way be transferred to anyone else.
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