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Frame 61

Dec 17, 2022
It was too late to say or think about anything. Juan's thinking organs moved to his scrotum, and Juan's testicles cried out: — "Bro, we have worked hard today! You have nothing to reproach us for! Now we're going to open the valve, or the whole place will blow to hell! Hold on, master, it's gonna blow!"* 

And it did! The sperm, at 28 miles per hour,** was ejected by the cock like a salute from an artillery gun. The spermatozoa shouted joyously: — "Yoo-hoo, brothers, let's fly! Helmets on your heads! Don't crowd! 

Hey, rear, don't crowd!" Not everybody had time to put their helmets on. Eternal memory to them.  

* What? Talking testicles? I read a lot of things, but I never heard of talking testicles. It was so touching, I tried talking to mine. "Hey, twins, how are you?" They didn't say anything. Maybe they're embarrassed. I'll try to get them to talk again later.  

** It's not a joke. 
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