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Hanna and Celeste

Mar 11, 2021

Hanna was so confident in her ability to control the demon that she had summoned that she had gotten more bold in using the demon for her own personal desires.  Her feet had never been worshiped quite like this before and each session with Celeste brought her eagerly back for more.   That tongue was so amazingly perfect, it made her toes curl just thinking about it.

Little did she know that the discount DPC (Demon Pacification Collar), that she had purchased on Amazon had failed about three sessions ago.  Celeste was no longer under her control, but the demon loved playing with her prey so she kept the ruse up.  Tonight however would be different, Hanna was so engrossed in what Celeste was doing to her feet that she failed to notice the demon's hand stealthily moving further up her leg. 

Once Celeste got her ever so talented hands between the young Mage's legs, she would really see what a demon could do when not pretending to be controlled.  Celeste would take her time with this one, she so loved the long legged ones the most and she had all of the time in the world to satisfy her dark needs.
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