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Roxy vs Alana

Mar 17, 2021

With both of Alana's arms trapped behind her, Roxy has no trouble taking advantage of the situation.  Her intent was to teach Alana a lesson, but things have taken a completely different turn as she now is more interested in trying to hold back the lust Alana has brought forth in her. 

As soon as their lips touched, Roxy knew that this was no longer a wrestling match.  The tingle that shocked her nerve endings, also made her wetter than she had been in quite a while.  She could tell that Alana was just as turned on as she was, and if the girl didn't put up more of a fight, then Roxy was going to guide things in the direction that her pussy was telling her in a very demanding way.

She would have Alana on this mat today and the girl's probing tongue in Roxy's open mouth told her all that she needed to know about the final outcome.
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