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New king's hill nightmare: Bartap

Jun 09, 2024
Sal Carpenter: Nice of you to bring your stepdaughter to the bar.
Henry Collins: Thought she might be able to help me negotiate a discount on my tab.
Sal Carpenter: Im sure we can work someting out.
Henry Collins: Good, its the least the little cunt could do after ratting me out to her mom.
Donald Goertz: Are the rest of us gonna get a turn aswell.
Henry Collins: Sure.
Fred: Nice, been been wanting a piece of that ass ever since you guys moved in next door.
Coach Anderson: This is gonna be great, too bad you didnt bring her little asian girlfriend aswell, whats her name?
Charles Coleman: Hana, she's a little slut, gave me a blowjob to get out of a speedning ticket last year.
Bob: HAHA. Sounds like she might have enjoyed this.
Sal Carpenter: Almost done, who's next?

Featuring from left to right

Henry Collins
Donald Goertz
Sal Carpenter
Sherif Charles Coleman
Coach Anderson
Rori Collins

Any constructive critque of the render, characters or text is welcome.

If anybody have any situations they would like to see my OC's in let know, im allways looking for new ideas and inspiration.
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