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Missing files

Jun 16, 2024
Mr. Jones: Michelle can you send up the guys who's working on the on the Green Acres acquisition.
Michelle: Okay, do you need me to send security as-well.
Mr. Jones: No need for that, the missing files have been found.
Michelle: That's great news!
Mr. Jones: yes apparently my new secretary misplaced them.
Michelle: Oh, do you need me to call the temp agency?
Mr Jones: I don't thinks so, it her first mistake and she's been thoroughly disciplined by Mr Goertz and myself.
Michelle: okay, ill send them right up Mr. Jones.
Mr Jones: Tell them to go right in, Tianna is waiting in my office ready to show them how sorry she is for almost getting them fired.
Michelle: would there be anything else?
Mr. Jones: Yes, get us a table at Gino's, we've worked up a bit of an appetite disciplining Tianna.

Featuring from left to right

Donald Goertz
Mr. Jones

Any constructive critique of the render, characters or text is welcome.

If anybody have any situations they would like to see my OC's in let know, im all-ways looking for new ideas and inspiration.
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