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Orchid Honeymead

Dec 12, 2021

Orchid is Thistle and Clover Honeymead's baby sister, who stayed back home to work in the family tavern. Orchid is sweet and well-meaning, but slow with poor judgement and impulse control. Among the problems that has caused was an ill-advised (and very brief) romantic relationship with a much, much younger Human boy. This has led to her getting kicked out of her hometown and moving in with her sister Clover and her kinky Elven Noblewoman Mistress Synaeril.

And, let me be specific, Orchid has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and her appearance reflects that. She's going to be one of the "love interests" in a new erotica series I'm writing, but with care taken to humanize (Halflingize?) her problems, while still presenting her as a willing and consenting adult.

One of the difficulties with teenagers and adults with special needs, and especially intellectual ones, is that while they might have childlike behavior, they're also, sexually, adults with all those urges fighting for expression while their caretakers often resist letting them doing it.
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