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Private Bathing Party

Apr 14, 2023
In ancient Rome men and women bathed together completely naked in respectable bath houses, and even though several imperial decrees against co-ed bathing were issued by emperors, it was common practice. There is evidence that noble women did frequent the mixed bathhouses, and that mixed bathing was completely normal in certain circles.
Bathers held onto their jewelry in the pools to prevent the valuables from being stolen, and to signal their social status. Sandals were worn as the heated floor of the base of the pool was very warm. 
The attendant of the baths was handsomely bribed to deny admittance to the caldarium, claiming repairs, and redirect visitors to adjoining baths, so that the patrician lady could bathe privately with her male companions. She was a widow whose husband was killed in a foreign military campaign. This was an enviable position as women could retain their wealth and status, and be free to have as many sexual partners as desired, as long as it was done discreetly behind closed doors. 
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