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RLA Miniset 82 Preview

Jun 30, 2021

Hey guys. I am back with the preview for the new June mini-set, and it features James and Tabitha! That preview is above, and I hope you all like it. :) You can also check the tags on the post for this over on my site to see a list of what I plan to include in here - but that may change, as always.

The setup/story bit for this mini-set is short this time (partly because the last one was huge) - and it is simply that James and Tabitha head out to a shrine a few hours outside Lithorca, intending to get inside the ruins behind it and look for treasure. However, once they arrive, they find no way to get inside the ruins - they are sealed up tight... despite the shrine still being in use and rather well maintained, there does not seem to be any way into the ruins behind it. Tabitha is deeply disappointed - but fortunately, James knows an easy and fun way to cheer her up! :D

I hope everyone enjoys this - and please like/comment/share if you do; and if you are interested in seeing the rest, the full mini-set will go out to appropriate patrons of mine starting with main rewards next month... whenever those get sent. :)

And if you really like it, please consider supporting me and my assorted works. :D

Most of my work over the years is available for free on my site:

My older mini-sets are available on my gumroad page:

If you want to help support me making sexy new stuff, and/or get access to more content that I have made, check out my Patreon page:

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