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RLA No Lovers Day

Feb 14, 2022

Hey again. this is the second new side render for Valentine's day this year - the other was posted just before this one. (A bit late, but technically on time.)

This render is a bit different than what you would normally expect to see for today... but that was my intention - to cover the other side of this couple-oriented day; hopefully you all like it.

The setup for this render is as follows: Everyone in Lithorca knew of Lover's Day - but as one would expect, many people were not really able to celebrate it in any meaningful way... since they had no lover to speak of. Some men who were better off were able to "rent" one for the day - which proved lucrative for the various courtesans in the city; but many men had no money for such things, and therefore no easy way to "celebrate" the holiday. However, this year a strange rumor started going around the city very early on Lover's Day... a rumor that there was a beautiful succubus waiting behind the old slave trading post - one who was helping men of the city celebrate what she called "No Lover's Day"; something that was only able to be celebrated by single, lonely men - regardless of class, job, or current station in life. In truth, it was Helenya's newest plan to feed off of the men in the city who had the most to give her... and hopefully not get into trouble while doing it. She even let her newfound 'lovers' choose which of her various skills and gifts they wanted to try when it was their turn.

Although it took a couple hours for the word to spread, by the time the sun was high in the sky, Helenya had a line of fifty or more men waiting for her 'attention' - including nobles, guards, and even homeless men... and that was after she had already helped almost a hundred others feel better about their loneliness. The various men of the city were nervous at first... since she was a demon, but quickly warmed up to their newest, deeply affectionate companion - once they realized she had no intention of harming them. The curvy brown succubus was getting enough food for a week or more already, and all the men got relief and service better than most of them had ever experienced before - everybody wins! What the demoness did not know at the start of her brilliant plan, was that she would be staying in that alley long into the night - and that things would start to get far more... involved - once the sun went down. Several men who had come by that morning were back for more that night... but she wasn't going to complain or rebuke them - it was only natural to want more of her love; and many of these guys had been saving up for a long time... waiting for a stunning beauty like her, with nearly infinite love to give. No one dared report the lust demon - she was far too valuable to let anything happen to her, and no man who met her that day was dissatisfied.

By sunrise the next morning, Helenya's plan was a huge success - far beyond what she had hoped; even if she was now really sticky, had a sore jaw, and would be walking funny for a few days... she couldn't remember being more full or satisfied. Regardless, everyone who participated greatly looked forward to "No Lover's Day" next year... even if they wanted to find another lover in the mean time. biggrin.gif

Also, Happy Valentines day to all! :)

I hope you all like this; and if you do, maybe leave a comment to let me know.

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