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Something that would never have happened.

Nov 23, 2023
The idea of this cover went against a lot of what the magazine stood for and how they protrayed the women who posed in it.  So in my alternate universe, I found a lora file for Stable Diffusion called Bombshell, which created the super large breasts. I found a second one that made the cover.  Been learning a lot about the back end and how the system parses the prompts.  I spent most of the day banging my head because the system kept placing a right hand on the left arm.  Well it may actually be a right arm attached to the left upper arm.  End result is the fingers face incorrectly. I also had some fun with art styles and making superheroes. in this case. Raquel Welch.  Though it's drawn in an artist's style.  I would definitely want her to save me.
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