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Two at a time

Nov 18, 2023
Well discovered two things this time. One I got greedy again and made multiple changes to the prompt and it sort of backfired. I didn't get what I wanted. Still a good picture. Could be better. And second, I have finally learned the steps to upscale an image correctly. I had thought it was doable all on one page.I was wrong and I know I still have more to learn about up scaling images. I did learn that the Txt2img tab lets you define extra detail to the image which when moved over to the img2img tab (which is used for resizing among other things) takes that extra information and uses it to help up size the image. This image I tried to actually do three things. Two people, a boy and girl, Both clothed and dancing.  While I was hoping for more of a close dancing face to face image, that was still neon and stained glass contoured, I ended up with more of a complex stained glass window. There are still small details that are probably down to the training of the model I used. Specifically why is the guy in the same height heels as she is? (smile)
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