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Liquid metal and other experiments.

Dec 12, 2023
These are what I considered impressive results for my experiments. First off I was looking for a a kind of Silver Surfer look for a character. While two are not  what I expected (the gold ones) The large Silver one far exceeded my expectations. It was also the first time I had actually used Portuguese Man-o-War in a prompt while not talking about a jelly fish.  The tattoo was not what I was hoping for.  I've been experimenting trying to control just where the tattoos end up more precisely than front or back. I was trying for a tramp stamp. As you know a small tattoo at the lower back.  The windblown rainbow image was created from necessity. The prompt I found contained no positive prompt other than references to a couple of embedded files.  So I had to make it up.  The hair color worked though.
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