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The Naked Conference

Jun 01, 2023
The two African delegates were chatting on the veranda with cocktails after the conference.
“I was quite surprised by the offer, I’m quite a shy person and was shocked at first by the terms. But the benefit for my district was too large to dismiss.”
“Our host is quite eclectic, this is the second naked gathering I’ve attended. There is some truth to claim that people are much more open and less guarded when they are not wearing anything. My constituents have been quite supportive, as the funds have turned out to be a reality, no strings attached.”
“Paying people for their cooperation seems a bit coercive. But the fact that everyone is in the same boat helps to cut the tension somewhat.”
“You’ll get used to it. After a while, it’s just like any other political gathering, you tend to forget about it when everyone, including the service staff, are all naked as well. And I have found there is much common ground when people relax and accept each other.”
“The old adage of picturing your audience naked to get over stage fright has become reality!” They both laughed heartily.
“Perhaps it will catch on. I, for one, have grown quite fond of the situation. As far as all of the gatherings I’m required to go to, this one is certainly not boring. And the endowment has funded many projects that will help make my jurisdiction energy independent. The fact that no cameras or phones are permitted, and that everyone is here voluntarily helps everyone get over their reluctance. Reporters are allowed a notebook and a pencil, and must be naked as well, ensuring dedication and commitment to the process. Once you see your contemporaries as people and not just political pawns, the possibilities far exceed the drawbacks.”
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