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Yellowstone Colony Merchant Marine

Aug 22, 2021

The Yellowstone Colony is located deep within the Cobweb Nebula on the rimward-trailing end of the Perseus arm of the galaxy. Charged plasma storms in the region make the nebula mostly unnavigable and uninhabitable, save for a few pockets of calm within.

With only one known hyper lane into and out of the Cobweb, the Yellowstone Colony has had to remain mostly self-sufficient. However, to be wholly cut off from from galactic affairs is not in the interest of the system, so five great ships were commissioned by the Yellowstone Directorate to serve as contact between the colony and the outside world.

They are crewed by a corps of merchant mariners that embark on missions lasting years. They act as traders, recruiters, brokers, and tradesmen. They bring back interstellar goods, media, and knowledge and trade in the unique Rejuvera produced only on Yellowstone.

Service in the Merchant Marine is volunteer, with financial incentives, opportunity to see the galaxy, and presitge appealing to citizens all over the planet. Most serve on  only one voyage, lasting anywhere from 2-5 years, but some are career merchantmen. After a successful voyage, they are awarded a share of profits and the opportunity to return to life on the Colony.

Okay, New Yellowstone isn't about the merchant mariners, but I like them and they're important to Priya's character.


Sleeves: Fitness Idol Sleeves

Body(bova): Orbital Merc bodice

Body(human): Space Girl dress

Belt: Action Girl belt

Legs: Lightning Archer stockings

Feet: Stealth Siren boots

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