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One thing that I've been working towards is having multiple unique characters in a image.  Over on the resource site I use, they also post pictures. Someone posted a picture that was very Forgotten Realms AD&D book cover from the 80s. In the prompt it clearly showed how to define the individual  characters.  There are some format rules I try to follow though. These rules are:
  1. Start with a really rough description of the scene.
  2. announce the number of characters
  3. define each character in curly brackets. 
So using this you can see how it's done simply

A group of 3 fantasy rpg heroes, (3 characters), {a male warrior chainmail armor left of frame}, {a female elf sorceress wizard right of frame}, {a male dwarf center frame},

After the characters are described you can better define the scene
Like so:

sword and sorcery, advanced dungeons and dragons, (80s {fantasy|landscape} background:1.4)