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Hi there!

It's been... some months...

The reason I've been silent about my projects is because I've been going back and forth between different ideas. Should I make a comic or a game, which engine if I make a game, which story should I make, what things can I include so it doesn't get banned from X and Y place, and so on. Made extra difficult thanks to life stuff.

I have started on several ideas and ultimately dropped them for various reasons and that's why I chose to be silent during that time. I already have like 3 comics I left unfinished so I didn't want to add more to the pile.

In the end I chose to make it a game. Games have always been the original reason why I got into all this.

I have this "universe" of interconnected stories and characters going from high fantasy stories, through modern times to sci-fi settings. It's called "Infernal Interlopers".

One of the issues I had was deciding where to start in that universe. I spent quite a bit of time on one idea starting pretty much from the middle, in modern times. But I realized it was a decision mostly made thinking about ...