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Hey again. I posted most of this over on my DA page a couple days ago - but then I thought to at least try and post it here as well... and maybe see which does better - so here it is. (The feedback request was several weeks ago.) Long story short - I am looking for feedback on my recent works and/or things that people want to see more of in upcoming side renders; check out the original post below and leave a comment on here if there is something (or multiple things... but be reasonable) you want to see me try and do and/or let me know about! :D

Anyway, I have wanted to and/or meant to do something like this for a while... but I just never did for whatever reason; but here it is - a chance for people to suggest things that they would like to see me make/include in future side renders! (Or other content, who knows.) For what it is worth - I am looking more for original ideas and/or ideas with my OCs... not fanart suggestions; you are free to try such requests, but the chances of me doing such a ...

Hi, everybody. I'm posting some of my works. Actually I'm using TK 7.5 and having a lot of fun. 

Hope you'll enjoy them and, please, feel free to write me your feedbacks and considerations.

Greetings from Italy to all the community.