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  This is my first time posting a story on here so I'm not sure how well the formatting is going to hold up. If it all works out, and people enjoy it, I may post more. If you really enjoy it, maybe check out my smashwords store?


  There doesn't seem to be a way to tag text only posts as "Zoo" so I'll warn you now. This story features a young woman having sexual relations with a dog. If that's not your thing now would be a good time to stop reading.

True Private

by Alex Kanellis

Molly had never done a whole lot of bondage play in her four years as a fulltime webcam model but between the massive amount of money her client was offering and the copious amounts of Tequila she’d consumed over the course of the night, she was starting to feel like she’d give anything a try. It also helped that Alice, her best friend since the 8th grade and former roommate, was in town and joining in on the show.

  Alice was the one to convince Molly to get into the webcam business in the first place. The ...


Strip Game!

Sep 30, 2021