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Last Man Alive

Feb 04, 2021

Stepmom Issues

Feb 02, 2021

Animation Test

May 09, 2020

Pin-up Aurora

May 05, 2020

Hi again. I decided to make a gumroad coupon for the end of the 2021 summer (ish); so if you use the coupon code “august21”, it will give you 21% off anything in my gumroad shop! (At least it should, let me know if there are problems.) You guys have a bit under two weeks to use it, (it ends on the 21st, because irony) so if anyone is interested in some of my old mini-sets, now would be a good time to get some!

(Warning - both sites below are NSFW... in case that wasn't obvious.)

My gumroad page is of course, here: []. And while there are preview images on there for the mini-sets, I strongly encourage people to check my master mini-set catalog here [] to help get more information and proper/full previews for all of my ...

Hey everybody. I just wanted to drop by here quick and let you guys know that I decided to have a Mother's Day sale over on my gumroad page... because why not.

Go over to my gumroad page via the link below, and use the coupon code "rlamothersday" - which will give you 25% off anything!

I will revoke the coupon on the 12th of May - so you have about a week to use it (I gave it a couple extra days because whatever); so get over to the master catalog on my site, and/or my gumroad page to see what is available and maybe pick up something! :)

(Warning - both sites below are NSFW... in case that wasn't obvious.)
My gumroad page is of course, here: []. And while there are preview images on there for the mini-sets, I strongly encourage people to check my master mini-set catalog here [

Hi again - I hope you all had a nice and safe Thanksgiving... for those of us that celebrate it. I came by to post about my black friday gumroad sale, and give that code out to non-patrons now. (My patrons got it a few days early.) My gumroad page is of course, here: []. And while there are preview images on there for the mini-sets, I strongly encourage people to check the master catalog up top (or here []) to help get more information and proper/full previews for all of my mini-sets. (Site very NSFW, but then again so are most all my mini-sets.) :D

The discount/sale code for this year is: rlablackfriday2020

And that will/should get you 40% off anything in my gumroad shop - but let me know if it isn't working right for some reason. (I think it should be...) I will disable the code early on December 1st (EST), like last year - so use ...