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The Driver

Dec 14, 2022

My Journey

How Sarina Burst to Life

An Essay by Sarina Barzane

How does one begin to describe the single most life altering event of their entire existence...

From the beginning.


Note: Any conversational text is recalled from memory,

and may not be an actual word-for-word quote

 of what was said, but you’ll get the idea.


     I was recently divorced, 48 year old male, thrust into the drudgery of living alone.  I had leased a small apartment, and was slowly coming to terms with my ex-wife’s infidelity.  I can’t say I was happy, I was dealing with my current situation the best way I knew how to, submersing myself in my job.

     As I was sitting in my office one Thursday afternoon, I received a phone call from an old friend. Someone I had known since high school. Tam was the kind of person you wanted as a friend during any type of personal problems; bubbly, upbeat, caring, an all-round sweetheart.  Tam called to invite me ...


Cum Dump

May 13, 2023

Pool Touch

May 15, 2023

New Era

Nov 20, 2023