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Right, so what's this game about?

Being the first game in what I hope is going to be a series of games connected in the same world with recurrent characters, the "Infernal Interlopers" series, I wanted to keep it simple.

The story? Simple. Marianna is an elven princess traveling with her mother as part of a peace envoy to a neighbor country when it was ambushed by a group of demons and monsters. Captured in a cell Marianna will manage to escape but it's a long way to the dungeon's exit. Will she be able to escape unscathed and get help or will she fall prey to the dungeon's lustful denizens?

Gameplay? Simple! It's a bit of a visual novel where you have to make choices but a bit of an adventure game in that I don't just give you the choices, you have to click on things in the scenes. Now, with "simple" in mind I'm doing my best to avoid pixel hunting and keeping each scene simple. 

Basically, the player is presented with a scene to choose between two possible paths for Marianna's escape, one leads to her safety and the other leads to getting caught. The safe paths ...

Hi there!

It's been... some months...

The reason I've been silent about my projects is because I've been going back and forth between different ideas. Should I make a comic or a game, which engine if I make a game, which story should I make, what things can I include so it doesn't get banned from X and Y place, and so on. Made extra difficult thanks to life stuff.

I have started on several ideas and ultimately dropped them for various reasons and that's why I chose to be silent during that time. I already have like 3 comics I left unfinished so I didn't want to add more to the pile.

In the end I chose to make it a game. Games have always been the original reason why I got into all this.

I have this "universe" of interconnected stories and characters going from high fantasy stories, through modern times to sci-fi settings. It's called "Infernal Interlopers".

One of the issues I had was deciding where to start in that universe. I spent quite a bit of time on one idea starting pretty much from the middle, in modern times. But I realized it was a decision mostly made thinking about ...