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May 03, 2023

Clean it Well~

Dec 29, 2022

In the meadow

Mar 26, 2020

As we join the exodus from Flickr with our compatriots of the SL Porn Photography Community, it's kind of ironic, that now, Samantha and I are in the middle of an exodus of our own.

Our cable provider nailed people with a $15 rise in monthly fees, and in almost the same breath, our connection performance plummeted to near dial-up speeds, when it worked at all.

So we're bailing on our cable internet provider, and it seems we're not the only ones... We're switching to Fiberoptic, and apparently, so is everyone else.   There's quite a wait time on the installation, so our access to the web is sorely limited at the moment.

The current plan of attack, is to tough out the wait for our installation, work on some parts of our projects that can be accomplished off-line, and then, when we get hooked back in with decent connections, we'll be roaring back in with intentions of propelling two X-rated movie series projects we've had simmering on the back burner for a long time.

Hopefully, we'll be able to kick those off with a bang!

Our non-pornographic series we've been working at, is still on the table, but has serious ...