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Ottoman 1

Dec 17, 2022

Resort Life

Jul 16, 2023
In general, it didn't spoil the mood at all. The last time we went to the sea, I can't remember when. We didn't have enough time, or money.... This time everything worked out well, besides, Ritka and I were finishing school next year - that is, the USE, enrollment and all that. In general, there would be no time for rest.
The beach, of course, turned out to be rustic, too. It was just a strip of sand stretching along the sea for a hundred meters, overgrown with withered grass. At the edges, the shore rose, turning into a cliff, leaving a narrow stony strip near the water, completely unsuitable for rest. There were enough people, though. Fifteen people were spread out on towels in different poses, exposing their bodies to the sun of varying degrees of sunburn. Some of them were splashing in the water, which surprised me with its transparency. Yes, there was no one to shit on. Ritka and I, of course, took the first dip. At that time mom and dad arranged a bed for us, and then changed us in the water. I collapsed on my belly and began to look at the surrounding ...