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New Kings hill stories, Rori's first Part 1

Jun 22, 2024
Rori and Hana taking the train home.

Featuring in order of appearance

Rori Collins
Henry Collins

Link for the complete comic and for my old comic Pool side fun

Rori's first part 1

Poolside fun

This was planed to be a short 10-15 panel story but I couldn't really fit the story I wanted in so few panels. Currently working on part 2 its gonna focus on lesbian content and some teasing as-well as voyeurism if I can find a good way to include it.

Writing this also gave me the idea for 2 other comics I want to do. Both will be staring Rori and Hana as-well as a number of males. The working titles for them are Wounded Warrior and Fratparty.

Currently there is no ETA on any of them.

Any constructive critique of the render, characters or text is welcome.

If anybody have any situations they would like to see my OC's in let know, im all-ways looking for new ideas and inspiration.
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