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RLA LITC Chapter One Previews

Apr 16, 2019

Here are the public previews from the first chapter in my latest story arc -

Life In The City Chapter 1 - "Matt is Missing". This full story set is available free on my site, along with the entire first arc:

LITC 1 starts the new story arc with a "double-issue" as I originally tried to do with RTL - so there are two little side stories happening at the same time in here. The first story revolves around James 'meeting' the temporary guildmistress of the adventurer's guild (Faye); and the other has Tabitha meeting one of the most famous courtesans in Lithorca - Karen. This is 52 images of all sorts of fun; and as always each image has a clean and a story version.

My Patreon page (where the following chapters are available):

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