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RLA Miniset 59 Preview

Jul 29, 2019

Hey again. I am back with another preview from my latest mini-set; this time bringing back an old character of mine from the micro VN I made three years ago, one that many people mentioned liking - the double-futa fertility goddess! (And also Elare, the main character from the micro VN.)

The story/setup for this is that it is a year and a half after the events in the micro VN, (bad end presumed) and the fertility goddess has been fucking Elare pretty much every hour of every day since she resurrected her. Soon after they first met, the goddess brought Elare back to her glade... and the cave where her dozens of worshiping priestesses once lived, millennia ago - so that she had a place to stay... and a place to keep the daughters she would birth safe. Elare and the goddess went around in search of other women to add to the goddess's collection of breeding whores - but somehow nobody was ever in the area... and the goddess was still not strong enough to wander too far - so they just fucked in different places/positions for months and months to pass the time. Elare gave birth to her first daughter nine months after she first met the goddess... (the goddess only fathers daughters - as she has no need/use for sons) and was re-impregnated immediately after; except this time she was carrying twins! Almost nine months after that, just as Elare was about to give birth again - they finally found a new elven girl for the goddess to play with... one that was as young and fertile as the goddess could hope for in an elven worshiper. She was incredibly excited; the fertility goddess could barely wait to share her endless supply of semen with a new whore!

The new elf had short blue hair, a bit more tanned skin, and was quite lithe - and only barely an adult by elven standards (100) - plus, she had only the barest knowledge of sex... but one little taste of the fertility goddess's sweet, addictive seed, and she was simply unable to resist her. (One taste of her cum and you are irresistibly attracted to her - one load of her sperm inside your womb and you were certain to get pregnant... and once you had conceived one of her children, you belonged to her - forever.) They stripped her of her clothes - as she no longer needed them... and led her back to the goddess's enchanted glade. The young elf's techniques were awkward and her holes were still very tight... but that would all change over the next few months; and in a few years she would be an expert on pleasing her new goddess - as well as the mother of dozens of her daughters. The goddess and a heavily pregnant Elare brought this new elf back to the cave and prepared to teach her how best to worship the lusty, double-cock wielding fertility goddess. They each sucked on one of the goddess's majestic cocks as they prepared her to break in her newest breeding whore/worshiper... as well as impregnate her with her new mistress's divine children!  Assorted futa/threesome fun follows. :D

Most of my work over the years is available for free on my site:

My older mini-sets are available on my gumroad page:

If you want to help support my assorted works and/or get access to more content that I have made, (such as this mini-set, which will go out to mid-level patrons sometime next month) check out my Patreon page:

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