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I watched Molly walking down the aisle, delivering something - paperwork of some kind - to one of the guys in the engineering bullpen. Molly gave me a warm smile as she passed, and instead of just gawking as I once would have, I smiled back, just as warmly, and briefly ran my tongue along my lip. I had had a few lesbian fantasies about her, as well as Linda, Emma and Theresa, but they had remained strictly that - fantasies, in the privacy of my head. I remembered the look on Molly's face when I came in, two weeks ago to the day, for the first time in my career not looking like a refugee from Nerd Central. Instead of my usual shapeless, baggy outfit, I'd dressed up - sheer blouse, pencil skirt, heels - and people had noticed, oh yes indeed.

Those shapeless, baggy clothes were gone - well, okay, I'd hung on to a couple pairs of jeans and comfy shirts, in case I needed to get my hands dirty - but everything else ...



Apr 27, 2020


Dec 30, 2023