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Abby Chapter 1 - 26

Jun 12, 2024

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Abby sat down immediately. She presented her feet to the man as she couldn't do much more to assist. The metal yoke held her arms in place, and the gag denied her the chance to talk.

The bell clinked and clanked merrily. Randy removed her glowing heels, and showed her a much more fitting set of boots. They were tight, black, and framed by sturdy metal that would deny her the ability to shift her stance. In the end of the boots, thick metal horseshoes, giving her the appearance of having hooves. 

"This will help ya be even prettier." His words fueled the flame that burned inside of her. 

It felt incredible. She would have to balance herself perfectly to not fall, but she was strangely adaptive to these things. The new boots fit her perfectly, almost like it was ordered specifically for her. 

Randy was really good at equipping Abby with these boots. He must've had a lot of experience with such. Realizing this made Abby hesitate for a moment before pushing any speculations aside. She couldn't wait to stand up and try her new horseshoes. There was a weirdly intimate moment shared between the two. Randy was quietly working while Abby watched in excitement. He held a strange power over her.

"And done. Stand up, pony." Randy said, breaking the long silence. He got up and gave her some space. Abby needed a few attempts to get up, having to balance through the restrictions of the new footwear. But, the girl quickly got used to it. She stood tall, strutting her stuff. She tested a few steps with her new boots, smiling behind the gag. 

"What a good pony ya are." Randy said with an excited smile on his face. He caressed her cheek and Abby leaned into it, presenting her naked core to the man with zero inhibition or hesitation. She loved being complimented and praised. She wanted more. Cooing in satisfaction, she closed her eyes. 

"George must've rewarded ya, hm? Ya out here to have fun?" He asked the happy pet. Abby nodded to his words. Randy had an idea.

"Well. I can give ya something really fun. Might be a bit ta much for ya, but... If ya feel ready, gimme a nod." 

Abby nodded. She felt like she could take on whatever was coming her way. She was strong.

Opening one of the horse stalls, he brought Abby in with him. Pushing her in front of him, not saying anything else as he was guiding her into the hay-filled area.

She saw a strange metal frame in front of her.

"Ya so pretty. With tha new boots. Ya look almost perfect." He turned her around and held her lovingly, stroking her cheek with a kind hand.

Abby looked at the man with such sensual and dependent eyes. She felt like she was this man's pet, his pony. She wanted him to groom her, to pet and care for her. She wanted to feel treasured and cared for by him. She left herself very emotionally vulnerable.

In addition to her embracing this moment, a bit of drool was swinging back and forth from her lips. She couldn't really prevent saliva from trickling out. 

Randy chuckled a little as he cleaned it off of her. She couldn't clean herself, so he had to do it for her.

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