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Jan 07, 2021
Next Part

The following is a 300+ pages illustrated story. all characters are over the age of 18, and the story surrounds two step-sisters that are not of actual blood connection. The story contains several dark parts and has different horror and violent aspects to it. None of which is for the purpose of cheap snuff, but rather, to depict the cruelty and merciless nature of the underground world of debauchery. The world is a fictional one, and it does not share our world's history or development.

Page 001


The manor was in the middle of the woods, far from city and noise. 

Lira was sold at the Grand Auction. a little over 990k was the price paid for her ownership. When it came to the trade of 'livestock', it could at times be very loud and uncomfortable. Thus there were a handful of private properties in the outskirts of the city repurposed to be transaction sites. Places where the sold goods could be transferred in a private environment.

Sadie Louis was shaking with excitement. She had, from the sidelines, watched Lira's videos. She was completely taken by the once-proud ...



Jun 30, 2021

Valkyrie II

Jul 11, 2020

Cock Hungry

Sep 24, 2021

A short story to accompany "A Sister Of Battle, A Slave Of Slaanesh". (Now with pictures included!)

(WARNING: Contains Dubcon, Mind Break, and Tentacle Sex)

Sister Serena knew she should have purged the heretical text with cleansing fire the moment she set eyes upon it. But something drew her forward, closer to the black altar and the daemonic tome that lay upon its obsidian surface. Had she not been cut off from her Battle Sisters on the surface and trapped alone in this subterranean lair, she would have resisted, bolstered by their presence. But the breathless whispers she had heard since setting foot in this profane temple spoke to… deeper, hidden parts of her. Those whispers now coalesced into images at the forefront of her thoughts; promises of fulfilment she had never known and dreams made reality. Yes… the dreams. She knew of what the whispers referred to; sinful thoughts that she had kept hidden from her Order since she was a Novice, that would have seen her condemned to a Penitent Engine were they ever discovered. Lustful fantasies that crept into her mind in the dead of night as she lay alone in her cell, no matter how hard she prayed or tried to supress them. Fantasies not of simple ...

Previous part

The following is a 300+ pages illustrated story. all characters are over the age of 18, and the story surrounds two step-sisters that are not of actual blood connection. The story contains several dark parts and has different horror and violent aspects to it. None of which is for the purpose of cheap snuff, but rather, to depict the cruelty and merciless nature of the underground world of debauchery. The world is a fictional one, and it does not share our world's history or development.

Page 037


"Wakey wakey, bitch. It's time for Trevor to get his share of the spoils." He whispered in a hostile manner.

Firmly holding on to the whip in his right hand, he slowly approached the unconscious body of the fragile girl.

There was a reason for why he had removed the collar. 

Dying from anticipation, he wanted to savor this moment of calm before she awoke. 

His cameras were all recording. His little studio was built for this sort of gig.

Page 038


Sadie groaned. 

through the veil of a heavy headache ...

Previous part

The following is a 300+ pages illustrated story. all characters are over the age of 18, and the story surrounds two step-sisters that are not of actual blood connection. The story contains several dark parts and has different horror and violent aspects to it. None of which is for the purpose of cheap snuff, but rather, to depict the cruelty and merciless nature of the underground world of debauchery. The world is a fictional one, and it does not share our world's history or development.

Page 168


Serena murmured softly. She was having a pleasant dream. Unaware of what was happening to her or where she was.

".. The open zipper in front goes all the way back beyond her anus and even the base of the prosthetic tail. But, like I covered earlier, the suit is basically her skin. To the subject, it will feel like we're touching her skin when we rub her on her suit. She will feel naked wherever she is. The idea of the zipper is that it will make her feel and look even more exposed. This is to ...