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Previous part

The following is a 300+ pages illustrated story. all characters are over the age of 18, and the story surrounds two step-sisters that are not of actual blood connection. The story contains several dark parts and has different horror and violent aspects to it. None of which is for the purpose of cheap snuff, but rather, to depict the cruelty and merciless nature of the underground world of debauchery. The world is a fictional one, and it does not share our world's history or development.

Page 168


Serena murmured softly. She was having a pleasant dream. Unaware of what was happening to her or where she was.

".. The open zipper in front goes all the way back beyond her anus and even the base of the prosthetic tail. But, like I covered earlier, the suit is basically her skin. To the subject, it will feel like we're touching her skin when we rub her on her suit. She will feel naked wherever she is. The idea of the zipper is that it will make her feel and look even more exposed. This is to ...

Previous part

The following is a 300+ pages illustrated story. all characters are over the age of 18, and the story surrounds two step-sisters that are not of actual blood connection. The story contains several dark parts and has different horror and violent aspects to it. None of which is for the purpose of cheap snuff, but rather, to depict the cruelty and merciless nature of the underground world of debauchery. The world is a fictional one, and it does not share our world's history or development.

Page 087


Inside Sadie's head, something else was taking place. She was in a dark space. What kept happening to her in real life translated into an extended hellscape in her dreams. But not in the aspect of pain, but purely from the visceral imagery. the taste of perversion and corruption. The universe itself raping her. Turning all of her pockets of comfort into diabolical instruments, part of the inhumane machination of her doom. As she was floating in the weightlessness of space, the only forces of gravity would be those between her and the different phallic objects ...



Jan 21, 2020


Sep 10, 2022


Sep 28, 2022

Dr Ann

Dec 26, 2022


Aug 03, 2022


May 25, 2021

Zipper Dress

Feb 20, 2021


Mar 09, 2020

[ << First | < Prev | Next > ]

I watched Molly walking down the aisle, delivering something - paperwork of some kind - to one of the guys in the engineering bullpen. Molly gave me a warm smile as she passed, and instead of just gawking as I once would have, I smiled back, just as warmly, and briefly ran my tongue along my lip. I had had a few lesbian fantasies about her, as well as Linda, Emma and Theresa, but they had remained strictly that - fantasies, in the privacy of my head. I remembered the look on Molly's face when I came in, two weeks ago to the day, for the first time in my career not looking like a refugee from Nerd Central. Instead of my usual shapeless, baggy outfit, I'd dressed up - sheer blouse, pencil skirt, heels - and people had noticed, oh yes indeed.

Those shapeless, baggy clothes were gone - well, okay, I'd hung on to a couple pairs of jeans and comfy shirts, in case I needed to get my hands dirty - but everything else ...