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Abby Chapter 1 - 19

May 25, 2024

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Abby was taken aback by how organized the piles of clothes she could try on were. She had spent a while testing things, some of the items were rather hard to don, requiring her to slowly slither into tight latex that constrained her, restraining either her flexibility, or made her unable to balance properly. But, she went for the set with the most to it. Even if her mark was burning with desire for more skin to be shown, she realized that her need to cover up backfired. It was like a reverse outfit. Her extremities were all packed and covered up behind thick and black shiny latex, but her actual core was blatantly exposed for all to see. The pale pasties and weird curved crotch cover did the minimal amount of work in hiding her shame. As she straightened up, trying to get used to the very tall heels, she felt a powerful shiver throughout her body. Seeing herself in the reflection, she couldn't believe her eyes. She looked absolutely amazing. Strong, sexy, tall, confident. It was ludicrous, she was so scantily clad right now, she looked like a pornstar, but... There was something about it. It felt so rewarding. Her knees wobbled as she struggled with maintaining her posture. She was so preoccupied looking at herself, she didn't even notice the door opening upstairs. 

She admired herself, the reflection of her own exposed skin sending her into a higher and higher state of arousal.

Turning around, she felt cheeky, admiring her own rear end as she tensed up, then relaxed. Her butt cheeks were partially covered up. It seemed like the entire purpose of this outfit was to put all the focus on her exposed center. Her pale skin dominates the reflection. The large ring hanging from the leather collar swaying back and forth. She detested collars, hated them with a passion, but this was a fashion accessory, and it felt amazing. Part of her wished it was a real collar as she tried to imagine being dragged through a crowded street wearing one with this outfit.

She shuddered. The curved piece of crotch cover sent a weak jolt through her body. She nearly fell over. Was it actually meant to pleasure her? What a fucked up detail to add to an already overly lewd and perverted outfit. She bit her lip as she waited for the next shock. It was a little stronger. She mouthed an airy moan, followed by a nervous, but amused chuckle. She was such a goof. She was so glad no one was watching her.

"Absolutely amazing"

A man's voice rang from the stairs behind Abby.

"Ah shi...!" Abby snapped around and freaked out. Her ankles wobbled and she lost her balance. Flailing, she fell towards the voice while her limbs thrashed about. She clumsily hit the stairs, thankfully not hurting herself. The man who sat there was staring at her with a perplexed look of amusement as she went down like a jelly tower. 

"Are you okay, girlie?" The man sounded concerned.

Putting the food he brought aside, he crouched down and reached a helpful hand down.

Abby groaned as she slowly pushed herself up with her arms. She felt so dumb. The sudden fall had made her forget about her skimpy wear. She grumbled an apology as she got up without accepting his hand. It was just a reflex of hers. She rarely wanted help from others as she tried to maintain herself as an independent woman. Even if that was impossible at times, she still felt empowered by her stubbornness.

The man helped Abby to get to her feet and brought her down closer to the bed. Taking his time as the girl seemed to still struggle a little with balancing herself. She was so focused on not falling again that she had yet to realize how exposed she truly was. Or, perhaps, parts of her didn't mind it?

"The trick is, girlie, that you need to keep your arms higher. Then you can getchaself balanced, easy peasy" He gave her a warm smile.

"Ah.. But, it is... difficult" She muttered, clearing her throat a little as she suddenly noticed what the man held in his hands. Her stomach growled loudly at this revelation, she was absolutely starving. The enticing smell of pancakes slowly filled the air in the cellar.

"Ya hurt?" He asked as he looked her over, concerned that she had bumped her head against the wall on her way down as she had fallen.

"N...No, no sir." She stuttered, her stomach voiced its opinion as her hunger made itself audibly known again. The man couldn't help but chuckle at this. Her honest body language was to be rewarded.

"Good girl" He said, holding the plate up for her.

"I made sure ta give ya some extra banana. It's good for ya. You got such a good exercise done, and now ya need some proteins."

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