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Abby Chapter 1 - 29

Jun 16, 2024

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Abby had crawled out of the stall, but the large man only needed a few moments to collect himself before he gave chase. Feeling his way out of the stall, he then found the girl on the ground, trying to crawl to the barn door. 

With a scared yelp, the man grabbed around her tiny waist and aligned his cock with her battered cunt. The girl was on her hands and knees, trying to crawl away from the man's iron grip. But, it was all in vain. Moments later, he began fucking her violently once more.

The bull flipped the girl around, wanting to fuck her in a new position. Splaying her out on her back, he pushed his cock back into her comfy pussy while kissing her face with his sloppy technique. Giving off more desperate vibes as he wasn't just kissing her mouth, but also her eyes and nose. Pushing his tongue into her right nostril, his wriggling and slippery thing made her feel so defiled. No part of her was spared or given any sanctity. She was just meat for the taking. A rush of adrenaline and other chemicals surged through her. She even bucked her hips against his hard fucks.

Lifting her up and plopping her onto a box, he fucked her from behind while Abby could finally remove the gag. She tore it off and coughed and cried. 


She begged.

"Oh. He doesn't really listen to female voices. When he's here, they are nothing but mating calls." Randy's voice sounded. 

Answering her mating call, the large man turned the girl around and pushed her down onto the box. He then fucked her standing up straight while kneading her left tit. Crying and moaning, Abby was slowly gaining some foothold. Her womb mark throbbed as she was presenting herself to the man as a naked torso, one to be fucked and used.

She weakly tried pushing him away, but her hands gave up, and instead explored her own sex. 

Just as she had gone through what must've been her third orgasm so far, the bull lifted her up, then turned her around. She weighed practically nothing in his strong and animalistic grasp. He planted his cock deep inside her pussy and wore her like an adornment. Taking a few steps, the pony girl's legs waved around as they couldn't find the ground. 

He then resumed fucking her, slamming her down onto the entirety of his cock over and over again.

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