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Abby Chapter 1 - 20

May 26, 2024

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"In fact, let's practice some posture and balancing now" The man said. He put the apple into a pocket and grabbed a fork. He pierced two pieces of juicy banana slices with it and slowly lifted the fork up towards Abby. Her stomach was growling angrily for food. She gave him a quick nod.

"Hands behind your back, grab your forearms and lower your shoulders. While doing that, enter a wider stance."

She didn't hesitate. She was so hungry, and the moment the man told her what to do, her crotch cover, again, gave her a powerful electric discharge. She snapped into position, balancing herself quite well on top of her high heels.

"Good girl. You're magnificent, girlie" He praised as he moved the fork towards her mouth. She wasn't sure what was happening. Was he trying to feed her? Regardless of how hungry she was, she could eat by herself without accepting any help. He kept calling her girl. She should feel annoyed at this. The smell of the warm breakfast sent a shiver through her body.

As the fork approached her slightly pursed lips, the man then said.

"Open up"

And as he did, a powerful shock exploded from her heating pussy. The crotch cover had zapped her, and as it did, she opened her mouth and let out a mix of a pained cry and sultry moan.

The fork entered her mouth as the sudden moan had her parting her lips. She pushed weakly against the man's chest as she squirmed, but, as the taste spread through her tongue, she ceased her resistance. It tasted heavenly. She was so starved, she couldn't fight it. Gently chewing it, she averted her eyes from the man's stare as she felt her cheeks glow in embarrassment. She was letting the man feed her. It was humiliating, but the incessant crotch cover didn't stop zapping her, melting away the fight in her. 

"Good girl... But ya moved ya hands. Toldya to keep 'em behind." He noted, shaking his head a little. She groaned a little. The game he was playing with her was vexing, she was on the fence about letting him get a piece of her mind, but it was a difficult task. He treated her with such casual ownership. It was intimidating, and it felt hard to speak up.

"What's on your mind, girlie?" He asked, seeing her thoughtful expression as she finished chewing.

"Eh... clothes... keep zapping me, sir..." She mumbled, still too hungry to raise any other points.

The man chuckled.

"Yeah. But that's how the outfit be. If ya want, ye can take it off. But, I figure ya wouldn't want to walk without anything covering that cute little pink, hm?" He joked as he brought another fork full of food to her mouth. She reluctantly opened up and let him continue to feed her. He quickly wiped a bit of food away from the crease of her mouth. Making sure he didn't make a mess.

Every time the man's fork approached her mouth, a small shock would be delivered to the girl's crotch. The cruel little bit of cover for her sex made sure she was receptive to the feeding session. Abby couldn't help but squirm and make soft moans as the man kept feeding her. She just stood there, trying to not move as much. He reprimanded her gently a few times when she moved too much. It was hard for her to keep the same posture when being tormented by the zapping.

After giving her over half the meal, the man paused. Taking a moment to remove a strand of hair from the girl's mouth. He gave her cheek a warm caress as he cooed. "Good girlie... You're doing so great, so brave. You makin' me so proud." His words were so honest, she kind of hated it, but also, a part of her, found a strange comfort in his patronizing praise.

He gave her a moment to compose herself and move her arms behind her back. 

"Not much left now, girlie" He informed her. Time had flown by, and he had actually spent over half an hour feeding her. He was taking his time, making sure she looked and felt comfortable enough to let him continue.

Wiping her lips with a red napkin, he patted her shoulder.

"Good job, girlie. You performed marvelously. Ya truly an amazing specimen, yes." A wide smile and beaming eyes shining at her.

"Now. Girlie, how was the food?" He finished cleaning and pocketed the napkin.

"Eh..." Abby cleared her throat a little, having been silent for so long, she wasn't used to speaking up.

"It was really nice, sir" She answered. Giving him a content smile.

"Glad ta hear. Now... Maybe a reward be in order" He said, delivering a knowing wink.

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