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Abby Chapter 1 - 27

Jun 13, 2024

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A little time of cuddling and pampering later, and Randy finally spoke up.

"Now. I got something for ya..." He turned her around and positioned her in the strange metallic device. He placed her feet into metal restraints, and swapped out her yoke for a stationary version with slender metal, attached to the metal frame. 

She was completely immobilized. She was trapped and completely at the man's mercy. Just to demonstrate how much in control he was, and how little she was, he placed his hand around her mouth and clamped her nose shut with his thumb. His right hand held around her tit, massaging it, while depriving the girl of air.

"Ya be a really pretty thing, Abby. Ya so pretty, it be incredible." 

Abby had a little bit of air flow through her nose, but as she struggled with breathing through the limited space, Randy pushed harder, robbing her of the final sliver of air intake.

Finally letting the girl breathe in some air, he fixed a blindfold to her, attaching it to the mask. She was now blind, mute, restrained, and helpless. Her hearing was muffled and she couldn't locate the origin of sounds around her. Her naked tits and pussy felt so exposed. She shuddered as she felt like she experienced a small orgasm. What was this? Her senses were robbed, and this made her so incredibly horny. Every sensation she still had was amplified tenfold. Her skin prickled as nearly imperceivable shifts of air current made her moan in pleasure. 

"Now..." She heard Randy's voice.

"Come here. That's right. Easy now. In here... Breed this pony. She be in heat." 

Two sets of footsteps... Then she heard the gate to the stall open, and someone with heavy footsteps approached her.

Abby was panicking in her predicament. Fighting against the unyielding metal restraints, she whimpered. Tensing up, she tried to win some semblance of control back. 

She won nothing.

The large man stumbled towards her. Eager grunts and heavy breathing was all she heard from the stranger.

'Is this man going to... breed me?'

She thought to herself. A jolt of excitement and fear surged through her.

A hand bumped against her face. The hand quickly found her mouth and began feeling her up and down, like he was trying to get an idea of how she looked through touch. His other hand grabbed around her ass, then quickly mapped out her basic physique, tracing her tight stomach up towards her firm, perky, and small tits, before going down towards her crotch. 

The stranger's hands held around the metal on each side of her as he positioned himself straight in front of her. The huge cock of the stranger was pressing against her womb mark. The slippery head of the cock was really oily. The cock was warm and thick, throbbing in excitement, feeling her womb mark's heat, as the man was getting ready to fuck her. To... Breed her...

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