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Abby Chapter 1 - 21

May 28, 2024

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The man sat down on her bed and got comfortable. Taking a moment to relax, he then spoke up.

"Guess I can swap out that lower clothing piece o'yours, girlie. Y'deserve something better, ye?" Abby hesitated a little. Was it a question? She then noticed that he was sitting there, staring directly at her crotch. She shuddered as her womb mark glowed and sent sparks through her body. Her knees wobbled and she had to take a few moments to collect herself.

"Y..Yes sir"

She finally said, hoping it would be a good enough answer. The man just chuckled, staring at her tiny little cover. Her pussylips had slipped past on each side of the slender piece, and the man was admiring it rather blatantly.

Why couldn't she feel angrier? And why was the humiliating feeling rendering her paralyzed? She tried to fume, but she couldn't. She'd been turned to jelly from the man's constant attention and grooming. 

Being exposed, her lower regions on display for this old man to enjoy, it was a messed up scenario, and one she couldn't get out of. Her breath was struggling and her chest was flushed, her cheeks warm and red. She shuddered again as she jutted her crotch towards the man a little bit.

"It's time ta take it off, girlie" The man reached a hand out towards her nether region. A little meek whimper was heard as Abby couldn't find it in her to decline the man. She shivered in anticipation, excitement, fear, and anxiety. She took a few unsteady steps forward as she presented her crotch to the man, letting his hands grab around her. One hand found her butt and held her leaning forward, the other caressed the lower part of the crotch cover, sliding against her dripping labia, making her let out a sudden moan. He chuckled as he held his hands still.

"Hehe, now, girlie. Take it off" He said, a hint more command in his voice than usual, but nothing imposing or agitating. She wriggled a little, then moaning as she was just sliding her pussy along the man's hand. She gathered her strength and brought both hands down, beginning to remove the little item. Slowly bending the front pad, she stripped the last bit of cover her sex had.

"Good girlie, such a brave girl..." He said warmly as she stripped for him.

A gasp marked the moment Abby exposed her pussy to the man. He took the strange crotch cover and pocketed it, noting how wet and warm it was. Looking at the girl, he gave her a kind and encouraging look, his smile was loving as he nodded.

"Girlie, that was a very brave thing you did. Ya should be proud of yaself"

Abby had no idea what was wrong with her. She was shivering, tears trickling down as she felt so many things at the same time. Opening her mouth, she said nothing, just whimpering a bit as she shuddered.

"Come here, girlie. You did so well today" He opened his arms, and she rushed in, hugging him as she let out confused sobs while her womb mark was sending her to such an elevated state of arousal. The lust was intoxicating, Abby's body was warm, and as the man felt her skin, she moaned a little in between sobs. She held him tight, and the man took great pleasure in seeing the meeker and meeker demeanor of the little girl. He grabbed himself a handful of quivering assmeat as he was petting her head, trying to calm her down like she was a pet or a child. Rubbing her butt gently as she kept weeping.

With a few encouraging words and a kiss on the cheek, the old man stood up.

"Girlie, you can have fun with the toys left around here. Y'earned a little bit of play time. Play to ya heart's content, lil' one." He chuckled as he turned around and headed off.

"I'll be back later with ya rewards"

Abby got up and paced around impatiently. She was walking around with her cunt laid bare, exposed for anyone that entered to see. She kept trotting back and forth in view of the door to the basement. She felt so aroused, so warm, when she could see the door to the basement, knowing that if someone entered, they would be greeted with a clear view of her exposed pussy.

Plopping her bouncy butt down onto the cold concrete floor, she looked over the different toys and clothing items that were left for her earlier. Digging out from the pile a handful of interesting items, some of them electronic. She spread her legs, making sure the door would still be within line of sight to her sex.

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