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Abby Chapter 1 - 34

Jun 21, 2024

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Abby turned around and got comfortable on her knees. The man held her chains in one hand, and the other hand grabbed a bit of french fries, feeding it to the girl. She was strangely accustomed to being fed this way. It only felt thrilling and exciting to be treated like a pet. Her mark throbbed powerfully. Rewarding her every obedient act.

"The bull went hard on ya. Without permission, he won't unload inside ya... So... He will keep humpin' forever. I'll let Randy know ta not let it spiral out ever again." He fed her a piece of hamburger. 

He then wiped her lips, letting her speak up.

"It... was painful... sir..." Abigail said with a weak voice.

The man's face twisted into an empathetic look of encouragement and sympathy.

"Yes, child. But you're such a good girl. Brave girl. I saw ya. Stood upright. Even through tha pain, ya endured. Strong. So strong. Made me proud" He gave her a warm head pat before he resumed feeding her.

Footsteps could be heard. Someone was approaching. Abby froze up and stared helplessly at George. Panic was beginning to spread. The old man jingled her chains. "Don't worry, child. I'll keep ya safe" He said before addressing the approaching man.

"Dom, glad'ta see ya. Randy let ya in?" His tone was casual and friendly. He gave him a wave before putting the hand on Abigail's cheek, caressing her lovingly.

"Yeh. As agreed upon. Three months are up, I'm here to check up on the progress and see if I must relocate the female." He sounded gruff, annoyed, and impatient.

"Ah yes, of course. I remember tha'bit, sure. Sit down, please. I ain't got food for ya, but ya look like a bit of a break could be nice." The old man said, gesturing to his right. Abigail nervously shifted where she was kneeling, scooting a bit closer towards the old man.

George patted his lap. "Sit here, child." And Abby didn't hesitate. She crawled up on his lap, curling up with her back towards the other man. She clung to the old man as she shivered. She didn't want to be taken away. The plethora of horrible scenarios out there that were waiting for her, she feared for her life. If she was let go from this spot, then she'd move to nightmare territories.

"I see the female has taken a liking to you, George. Classic or modern grooming?" He asked in a casual business tone.

"It's all classic, sir. I figured tha I didn't want to ruin more pure innocents with the crude tools of the modern age. Call me old fashioned, but this be much more of ma own style." He explained, giving the poor girl a kiss on the cheek before he whispered to her in a loving tone. "Don't be afraid, child. Ya got nothing ta fear. Be brave, be strong, be a good girl." He nuzzled her. 

"I see. Well. Considering it's only been a few months... That's incredible progress. Can you demonstrate any of your training? Or have you not started yet?" The man asked. 

Abby felt a sting of cold nervousness take hold. Training? What were they talking about? And did they mention grooming? She was just doing this to live a comfy life and be pampered non stop. 

"Be brave for me, child. Turn around and show tha visitor some hospitality. Giving him a cold shoulder ain't good company, y'know" The old man said as he slowly lifted Abby up and rotated her. Plopping her down on his lap, he held the chain leash firmly. He wasn't sure if Abigail would be aggressive as she didn't seem to be as relaxed now.

"Hello again..." Abby said, scowling at the man. His careless attitude bothered her. She was naked, exposed to the world, unprotected, her shame on full display, and even leashed. So... Why was he not acting like it was a bigger thing? And what was this talk about training? And...

"W...Wait... Three months?" She blurted out, slightly confused.

"Yes, Abigail, you have been here for three months now." The man said in an informative tone. 

She narrowed her eyes. Not caring to really humor his attempts to rattle her.

"Well. I have been a good girl." She simply said. She had never ever spoken about herself in such a reductive and condescending manner. It just felt right to say. Because, in all honesty, she had been very good. 

"Heh. If you say so." He said, seeming a bit amused by her spunk.

"Oh. She been a good girl. Letting tha girl get lots of playtime too. She been acting good, deserving of treats." The old man said, rubbing her side gently. 

This softened the girl's demeanor. 

"Well. Seems like there's no need for me to relocate this one and reassign it. Heh. Perhaps being on her last leg is what it took to get her to accept her role... She knows what happens if she..." The man was interrupted by George. The old man spoke up, sounding a little annoyed.

"No need ta bring up such crude facts to the poor thing. She been good, so let's leave it at that. Don't want the child to get bad dreams" He said in a protective voice. The chain strained as he held her back. There wasn't a need, but he just wanted to show some dominance to make sure Abby didn't fuck up by yelling at the Human Handler.

"I gotta say, old man. You got a good handle on the creature. I have faith in your work here. You said your usual staff wouldn't return until later, and winter is approaching. Should feel it in the air soon. Will you be giving this one body mods to let it endure during the cold season?"

Abby opened her mouth as she was not going to let the man call her an 'it' and not hear it, but the chain yanked her by the neck and she was returned to reality. She felt only gratitude from the show of force. 

"I'll leave that up ta her. I got plenty'o ways for HER ta be comfy during winter times. I'm a veteran, dontcha forget, son" The farmer said. His voice was firm and slightly forceful.

"I will mark your disrespectful tone. One more step out of line, and I'm taking your new pet for myself"

Both Abby and George were stunned and silent. The man's threat sent shivers down their spines.

"Please... Dom..." The farmer said. George's tune had changed as he was very aware of Dom's authority and reach. Dom stood up as his expression was growing angrier.

"Your slave is glaring at me, you are being condescending... I do not tolerate such disrespectful behavior." He pointed a finger at Abby, the poor girl flinched and whimpered anxiously as she squirmed on the farmer's lap.

"Abby didn't mean anything by it, and I..." The farmer was interrupted once more.

"You will hear from me soon enough, and I will make sure that actual measures are being taken for this thing's progress to speed up. It isn't a child, it isn't your pet, it is a piece of livestock that you will mold into a useful product." 

With those hurtful and horrifying words, the man turned around and left. The two were left sitting there, their hearts beating fast. Abby felt a fear take hold deep inside of her. What was going on? She was here to help out on the farm, that was all. Why did he keep calling her an 'it', and why 'livestock'?

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