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Abby Chapter 1 - 40

Jun 28, 2024

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"Such a strong child..." The old man said. He had Abby stand up on the floor and face him. She squirmed a little, still wracked with the pain and sadness from him spanking her. 

Grimacing, Abigail tried her best to not cry. Her face reflected the struggle, but she didn't make a sound. Her mark was burning, but she paid it no mind. She didn't want to be bad. She didn't want to lose her new life. She didn't want to cause the man more pain or hardship.

"You're a brave girl. And, what I did, 'twas to make ya snap outta it." He said as he brushed her hair lovingly. His mammoth cock pressed against the top of her cleavage. It had gotten so big, it was inhumane. If not for the medicines the man was on, he would've died long ago as so much blood was flowing to his junk. 

He couldn't help himself. His cock throbbed again. She looked so stupid where she stood. Sniffling like a child, her face twisted in pain and sorrow. Naked. 

He put a hand to her cheek and caressed it before he started to remove her mask.

"Let me help ya out, lil' one"

Abby's makeup was a mess. He loved it. He made sure to only buy makeup that would spill if wet enough. There was something about the tragedy in her eyes that got him so hot and bothered. He was a sadist at heart. He loved the dumb little thing, but he couldn't help himself. 

"Hey... Tell me, girl... Still compelled ta do nothin' but masturbate?" He asked bluntly. Abigail blinked a few times. She just now realized that she could finally think again. The heat from the womb mark had cooled down quite a bit. She took a deep and refreshing breath of air.

"Sir! You spanked me to help me" She said in an emotional voice, elated, but also still hurt.

"That's right, child. I smacked your ass to snap you out of it." He chuckled a little as he held around her. His large cock nearly reached her chin where they stood.

"Time ta get ya ready" He said, stretching a little.

Abby looked a little confused. She looked around, trying to remember if today was an important day. 

"Gonna get ya some new treats and toys in town, and something to help snap ya out of it if need be" He said as he opened a small case and pulled out some articles of clothing.

"We going ta town, so better cover ya up a lil' bit." He informed her. Abby looked overjoyed. She hadn't been out of the house for a good while. According to what people told her, she had been here for months. It only felt like under a week, but they wouldn't lie to her. 

Smiling, she quickly donned the clothes. Assless chaps, open jacket, and the torturing crotch cover. He then held out a glove. But, it wasn't a glove. It was a mitten of sorts, but it was sturdy, rigid, and wouldn't allow much in the department of movement.

"Can't have ya running off or doing dumb things. And can't have ya touching yaself all the time. Wouldn't be right. So, this will keep ya unable ta do stuff" He chuckled. Abby smiled happily as she wiggled her butt a bit in excitement. Her ass was so warm and bruised. It hurt, but the added wind from the wiggling cooled it down a bit. 

"Fuck... " He muttered. Seeing her perking up in such a youthful manner, he couldn't help but feel his cock harden even more. He wasn't sure what he was going to do if it kept at it. It wasn't that long until a slave he could actually fuck would return.

Feeling the mittens constrict her hands, she couldn't help but try to close her jacket, noticing just how impaired she had been rendered thanks to the last things he had put on her. 

"Hehe. Ya so cute when ya playful" He smirked as he fastened her left mitten some more.

"Sir. Your... thing... Is so big. How will... you get pants on?" She asked hesitantly. 

Growling a little, George considered his options.

"I'll be back soon, child. Need ta take care of business real quick."

"Stand straight, hands behind ya back. Stay" He said, almost like she was a dog. Abby did as she was told. George turned the lights off when he left, closing the door behind him, leaving her in the sun-lit room. 

Closing her eyes, she couldn't help but smile a little to herself. The world was so strange, and her life had gotten crazy. It was like she was living in a dream. Everything felt so different. She could barely remember who she used to be. But even when she was in complete silence, she didn't really think much about things. But, something she did notice was the absence of the overwhelming urge to masturbate and expose herself. It was still there, but she could keep things under control. In fact, doing as she was told gave her a small jolt of excitement. 

Also, was she going out wearing this? A slight breeze and her tits would be exposed. And people could see the shape of her vagina through the tiny bit of coverage her crotch had received. At least it didn't zap and vibrate nonstop. Was she going to wear boots? She couldn't walk through town like this, any shard of glass and she'd be bleeding out. She was so used to depending on the old man, she hoped he would put some good footwear on her.

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