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Abby Chapter 1 - 42

Jun 30, 2024

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"Ah yes, I did hear of the complications that arose. My heart goes out ta ya old man. The most ambitious man I know. Hope he recovers swiftly" George smiled to the men. 

Abby slowly turned around and leaned closer to the farmer.

"Mmmh..." She muttered nervously. Abigail was shy and scared. She had seen the impulses of men that looked a lot like the two men. She didn't want to be stabbed or worse. 

"Sir..." She whimpered, staring at him with such a conflicting expression. She wanted to be polite and kind, but she was so scared. She trembled where she stood.

"Seems ya new project is a bit intimidated, old man" Jason chuckled. He didn't take a step back or anything, he just enjoyed the view.

"And, also, seems ya new project be lacking in behavior and etiquette. Guessin' that's why her ass cheeks be red and carry handprints."

He wasn't wrong. 

George gave Abby his kind and loving smile.

"Child, it be okay."

"C'mere" George said as he brought Abby in for a hug.

"Had to give her a good spanking. She couldn't stop masterbating, so had ta smack her cheeks for her own good" He explained. Abby whimpered and trembled. She felt so embarrassed from how they talked about her. And George told these strangers that he had to slap her ass to get her to behave. It felt like she was stabbed in the heart. She sobbed softly as she hugged the old man.

"Can I touch her?" The man with the beanie asked. Meanwhile, the other man was busy on his phone.

"Aaah... This one ain't a normal slave. Fascinating. Must come on by later, to check up on her. Always wanted to see how these kinds of females were trained." The man in the coat said. He began taking a few photos of Abby's butt. 

"Go right ahead. But be careful with her. She be delicate. And, she have been punished enough, so be good to her."

Abigail shuddered as she felt a stranger's hand on her ass. Her warm cheek met his cold palm. The man in the beanie, Jason, was not a shy person. He sampled her ass like it was an item on sale. Tracing her smooth rump with his hand.

"Ah... Her cunt is very warm. Great stock! Congratulations, George." He congratulated the farmer for the heat coming from the pussy of the poor girl. The farmer just chuckled.

"Heh. Thank you. She be very promising, just need ta treat her right. And, can't let her roam free. She still need ta learn more control."

"Gotta leave now soon. But, okay if we take a few photos?" The man in the coat asked. 

"Of course. Child, turn around and be friendly. These men be good to me. Be good to them." George said, his voice a little more commanding. Abby slowly turned around. Sniffling, she tried her best to be brave. The men seemed very taken by the teary girl's beauty. 

"Might I hold her leash for the photo?" Jason asked. Duke was adjusting settings on his phone for a better photo. 

"Sure. She be friendly" Abby felt her heart cry out as the leash that the old man held was handed over to a stranger. She didn't protest. She really wanted to, but she didn't want to be rude. So, she just stood there. Shaking in fear. Jason stroked her hair as he held the leash tight. 

"She gonna be so fucking popular." He said, marveling at the girl's features. 

"Smile" Duke lifted the phone up, then started taking selfies with the group. Jason seemed too taken by Abby to realize the photos were being snapped.

"Wow... Feels so incredible... When they're not just soulless slaves... It's like holding a life in a chain" Jason said as he adjusted his grip and yanked Abby up, forcing her to lift her head. The man enjoyed himself greatly, grabbing at her and toying with her. He was loving every moment of it.

"Yes, well, she is a person. Maybe not be so rough with her, mh? She prefers kindness to cruelty" The farmer said, watching from the sideline, ready to step in if Abby seemed like she was about to snap. He knew she was fighting against her instincts. He knew she did not enjoy this, and that she allowed it only as a kindness to George.

The man gave Abby some slack before letting go of the chains altogether. He leaned in, holding around her breast and face, moving in and placing a sudden kiss on the girl's lips. Abigail blinked in confusion. Tears were welling in her eyes as she was doing her best to be good. Opening her mouth to whimper a weak protest, the man took it as an invitation and delivered her his tongue, pushing it past her lips, tasting the insides of her mouth. 

"Ah. What an amazing girl you got there! She's fantastic!" Jason exclaimed happily as he let go of her, letting Abby recover from the man's aggressive advances.

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