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Abby Chapter 1 - 41

Jun 29, 2024

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20 minutes later, George returned. He was happy to see the girl standing just where he had left her. With no words exchanged, he attached the leash to her collar and dragged her out of the bedroom. Walking downstairs, they headed towards the foyer. 

Abby had a look of determination and focus on her face. The metal jingled merrily as she was walked through the living room. Her face was still a mess from all the crying, raccoon eyes as the black makeup had left a mess of her. Her ass was bruised and red, her spanking still visible for all who looked her way. Every time she took a step, she felt her nipples brush against the fabric. 

Goosebumps surged across her exposed skin. She was thrilled. But, she could still control herself. The warm throbs from her recently smacked butt cheeks kept her in line. 

George put boots on her, and as they walked to the car, he couldn't help but admire the upbeat and spirited girl as she stomped eagerly after him. 

"When in town, behave yaself, child" He said, brushing some strands of hair away from her eye.

"Yes Sir, I will be good" She said, smiling, but feeling a little embarrassed for him pampering her and being so overprotective. But, she felt safe with him. 

"Heh... Ya will be a good pony, that for sure. Even got the prance right" He chuckled, noticing her arms. Giggling, Abigail did a few pretend steps, acting like a pony. She found it amusing. He unclipped the leash and nodded

"Get into the car, and we will get going"

Getting into the car, Abby was excited for where they were going, and she hadn't been in a car in so long. It was a fun experience. This was an ancient thing though, this car must be one of those that ran on explosives. The stuff that could burn down buildings if one wasn't careful. Gasoline, yes, gasoline. In the big city, everything was electronic.

The ride was a lot of fun. The car was old, it shook, it made sounds as if it was in the process of blowing up. The seats bounced the two up and down. Abby couldn't help but laugh a little in delight. The sun was warm and comforting on her skin. A reminder that she was still very exposed. It was thrilling, but not too distracting. They shared a few nice words during the brief drive to town. 

Eventually, the car slowed down. Parking in the mostly abandoned road. 

The two left the vehicle. George walked in front of the car, turned around, and then jingled the chains.

"Child, come. Let me leash you" He smirked a little when he saw the meek and hesitant demeanor of Abigail. She slowly shifted towards him. Feeling so naked. Her red ass cheeks brought a blush to her face as she must've looked so silly. But, the old man seemed to only enjoy her nervousness and anxiety.

When Abby approached, a couple of pedestrians stopped in their tracks. Others watched from afar, but the two men seemed more bold. They walked towards Abby and George. They smiled and nodded to the farmer. Did they know each other?

"Good girl..." The old man cooed as he snapped the leash on the girl. A hand rested around her neck, it felt safer to be close to George. 

"Aaah. George! Nice seeing ya here. This be the latest livestock?" The man with the beanie said in a friendly tone. 

"This child be Abigail Olter. 19 years of age, Blood type W-Clean, ID SHPU-07441D1765. Barely finished grooming her. Training will begin tomorrow." George said with a hint of pride in his voice. He pushed Abby forward a little and presented her to the two men with a spark of excitement.

"Child, this here be two gentlemen that help keep ma ranch runnin'. They often come by ta visit, watch the progress, and also rent our services. During early summers, we runnin' visitor programs too. Come, play with our projects. Everyone have fun, and we earn some much needed coins. This here be Jason Mallet" He nodded towards the man in the beanie.

"And that be Duke Derrington. Both come from esteemed names in this part. Derrington be the heir t..." George's introduction was interrupted as the man in the coat cleared his throat before injecting

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