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Founding Members Incentives and Badge

Dec 12, 2018

In the year and a half we’ve been developing the site (in our free-time, mind you!) one member of our team has routinely reminded us that we absolutely have to make him a super-special profile badge which tells the world he’s been a core member of the team since the beginning. After hearing this request so many times we eventually wrote it down, and maybe even took it seriously, as we assigned it a priority in the list ("low").

Fast forward to this month, post-Tumblr pandemonium, and suddenly everything in regards to the Slushe development schedule has been flipped on its head. In this weird, upside-down world, the achievement points are starting to sound like a good idea. After all, we had originally intended to launch a nearly finished final product, but now we’re not, and anyone who joins and sticks around to helps us test Slushe in its current state definitely deserves some recognition, even if it’s mostly just for show.

Just signing up alone doesn't seem like enough to warrant a cool Closed Beta Hero badge (we’ll come up with a better name later…hopefully)  though, so we threw together some slightly-more-involved-but-still-easy requirements for users to qualify for the badge. So if you like collecting things for no particular reason, shiny digital bling, and future bragging rights, take note.

Closed Beta Badge

  • Register an account on Slushe in December 2018
  • Setup your avatar and profile banner image
  • Create 3 media posts (preferably of your best work so we can feature them prominently!)

In addition to the badge, we’ll grant extra voting power in our UserVoice voting system for a yet-to-be-determined amount of time. This will give founding artists more power to decide what features get implemented or upgraded first. Not enough for you? Well, suggest something in the comments and we’ll consider it!

Another thing for achievement fiends to be aware of is during beta we’ll be keeping an eye out for model Slusheans whose contributions to the site greatly improve the media offerings, community, and/or infrastructure. Any users who really impress us will also have additional badges created for and awarded to them. Sound fun? Don't answer that, but feel free to suggest possible badges and achievements in the comments if you have some ideas!

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