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Gamer Contest Winner

Oct 14, 2020


Congratulations Buttercoat.

Gamer Contest 2020 has come to an end and voting has finished, and it is with pleasure that we announce Buttercoats, Distraction is the winner.

Click the link for the full image.

The Golden Gamer Badge is coming to Buttercoat,

Top 10 Contestants;

We'd like to thank the top ten artists who gave us their own interpretations of Gamers having 'fun'.

Please join us in congratulating SneakyBastard, Satyr, Tab109, Klodow, Chi3dx, Blauram, Fiddlesticks, Taidoro and SaintsGringo

Their renders have earnt them the top 10 Gamer Contest Badge.

*Media Highlight by the winning artist: Buttercoat
Head over to their profile and give them a follow.

We look forward to seeing your images in the Halloween Contest.

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