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L. Chapter 3 - 07

Feb 26, 2023

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Sadie slowly stood up. The cock left her vagina little by little. Taking its time, giving her insides one last rub as it said farewell. Some of the fluids he deposited inside of her came flowing out, splattering down on the sidewalk below. They had, during their time together, actually gotten pretty far from Sadie's home. About 100 meters from her door. None of them really knew how they got there. The heat of the moment was their guide, and they didn't really think much during.

"Please, stand up, sir." Sadie kindly urged the kneeling man. He was still recovering, but her words of encouragement got him up and standing.

"I'm sorry for hurting you... I..." He started.

"Heh. You're overestimating your ability to cause pain." Sadie said. She winced a little when he put some pressure on the bruise she had on her left cheek.

He slowly cleaned her face for tears, Sadie wanted to tell him to stop, but it felt so nice and warm. In one night, she had hopefully shown this man true warmth, as well as bolstered their relationship. There wasn't any sign of resentment in his eyes. 

"This feels nice..." He mumbled, mostly to himself.

"Yes." She smiled. "You can have me again. But, not like this. You gotta catch me next time. And, only during the night. I'm fair game at night." Feeling a growing heat, advertising how he could hunt her down at night gave her such a jolt. She didn't specify more details, as it felt more exciting, leaving it up to his interpretation.

The two spent another 20 minutes together. Walking around, Sadie loved the rush of showing off her naked body. This part of the neighborhood was rather quiet at night, so there wasn't much chance for her to be caught. Especially when she walked with Mr. Ontak. She chuckled happily when he held around her neck. His long fingers slowly tracing to her throat, gently rubbing along her exposed skin. 

"Come to where I left you." She heard a voice in her ear. She walked them back to Mr. Cauld. He walked out to meet them.

"Did I make a mistake entrusting you to ravage her?" He asked Ontak as he pointed at Sadie's face.

Sadie stepped in front of Ontak.

"I don't..." Ontak wasn't sure what to say. Sadie had taken away all his steam.

"I did what you said, Master. I made him like me. There should be no need to raise your voice for a completed mission." She said with a stern smile. Her spirit seemed unbreakable.

Mr. Cauld sighed as he gave Sadie a well-earned pat on the head.

"You're right. Well done, girlie." She glowed back at him. Fueled by the flames of victory and arousal, she was soaring high.

"Your sister needs immediate care. I will bring over an expert. I need you to wear the blindfold, as well as some ear plugs. But, you can be there when Serena's examined." He started walking back to her home with Sadie in front.

"Thank you, sir. Sorry for raising my voice. I hope she delivered." He hadn't even asked Ontak if her story was true. She had earned his trust in a rather substantial way. 

Ontak replied quickly, praising Sadie to the stars.

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