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L. Chapter 3 - 16

Mar 14, 2023

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"Oh, before I leave, give me your boots. They're covering a little too much of your body." 

She hesitated for a moment, then slid the two boots off. 

The man took them from her, then locked her cage again.

"When you're ready to proceed, open the box to my right, and follow the instructions." He pointed to one of the boxes.

Serena wanted to ask something, but she couldn't get it out. She just gave him a brave face... But it was one of a scared little girl.

"Make your sister proud." He said, then left her alone in the large building, trapped in her cell.

She wasted little time. Opening the box, she found two pages of instructions. A very informative step-by-step explanation of her tasks.

She followed the guide, and put on the collar with the bell attached. Whenever she moved her head, the bell rang out, sounding like a cow was nearby.

Next up was the cylinder injection gag. She picked it up and looked at it with curiosity and a rapidly beating heart. The gag was really heavy for some reason. The locking mechanism was still in the box, but the mouthpiece was way too heavy. Slowly, she tore herself away from it, and grabbed the strapping device that was going to lock the gag in place. It was a complex piece of metal, but the guide made it simple to put on. Sitting down, she adjusted the gag, ensuring it was fastened correctly. Opening her mouth, she found the right position for her jaw to be in. The clinging of the cowbell kept distracting her. It was something she'd never get used to. And, she was starting to wonder why she was made to wear it. Thinking back to what was written on it, she had a bad feeling about this. 

When she was ready, she was to push the cylinder into the socket, locking itself in place. The gag would diffuse into a translucent material, becoming almost like glass. She was curious about what this even meant, so she pushed the cylinder all the way in with anticipation.

With a strange hiss, it was like something inside the cylinder started to leak out. As the white exterior of the gag faded, she felt an explosion of liquid pushing itself into her throat. Where she'd normally gag, the device numbed her gag reflex completely, and the high pressure of the canister's content partially emptied itself inside of Serena. It filled her esophagus with a slimy liquid, then started filling her stomach. Two large slimy torrents of gross liquid escaped her nose, pouring down on the transparent mouthpiece. Swallowing the remainder of the large quantity of liquids, she finally snorted the rest of the liquids back into her mouth, then swallowed one last time. She coughed as she could finally take a deep breath.

With shaking hands, she felt around the gag. She couldn't take it off, even if she wanted to.

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